Redistribution of facial fat
Loss of fat in the forehead and cheeks
Gain of fat in the mouth and jaw area, which can cause sagging
Bone loss throughout your face
Muscle laxity
External factors, such as sun damage
Treatment generally takes just 10 to 20 minutes in office and patients are free to return to their normal routines following treatment. Patients interested in lasting results should come in for routine treatments, but should not be treated with Dysport more frequently than every 90 days.
Restylane Lyft is the densest formula of the three and is best used in areas with little facial movement. Restylane Lyft can add volume back to the cheeks and face to restore youthful contours, diminishing a hollow, aged appearance. Adding volume can soften the face, reducing eye bags and smoothing the brow. Lyft injections can also be used to smooth scars and lines for an improved facial
Results can be typically seen 4 to 6 weeks after the first treatment, but will vary depending on your body type and the area being treated. While many may experience results sooner, we cannot guarantee this. The fat cells affected by Lipodissolve will not grow back; however, the remaining fat cells in the area treated and in other areas can enlarge if you do not maintain healthy eating habits and an exercise program. Lipodissolve does not work on all patients.
Lipodissolve is very safe when injected in appropriate candidates in small doses. Ideal candidates are healthy and within range of their medically ideal body weight with respect to their height. Lipodissolve should not be used on pregnant or nursing women, persons with allergy or sensitivity to soy products, patients with diabetes, vasculitis, or circulatory disturbances or with active or chronic infections. It is not for the obese patient or those that have extreme skin laxity. Lipodissolve is effective in treating small areas of fat deposition, cellulite, and post-lipoplasty deformities. It will not replace traditional liposuction, but it is an excellent alternative for those patients seeking a minimally invasive treatment.